Recently, Sergeant Madehi Bin Yahya, the head of Balai Polis Daro, approached the Jaya Tiasa Group with a formal letter addressed to Mr. Ting Tiew Soon, the manager of Lassa CPO Mill, seeking sponsorship for essential amenities urgently needed at the Daro police station. These amenities are intended to replace the current ones, many of which are either damaged or in a state of disrepair. The requested items include an office table, office chairs, banquet chairs, plastic chairs, and standing fans.
In a demonstration of goodwill towards the Daro police, our Group promptly responded by donating the requested amenities to Balai Polis Daro. On Friday, October 13th, 2023, at the Balai Polis Daro, the handover was conducted by Mr. Ting Tiew Soon, the manager of Lassa CPO Mill, and Mr. Liik Chek Sheng, the Plantation Operations Assistant Manager for Lassa, representing our company.
No.1-9, Pusat Suria Permata, Lorong Upper Lanang 10A, 96000 Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia
T. +6084-213 255
F. +6084-213 855
Copyright © Jaya Tiasa Holdings Berhad 2024