Health & Safety

Good Health & Well-Being of Employees

Health & Safety

We are committed to enforcing workplace health and safety excellence not just for our employees but also for our customers and visitors. We are constantly improving safety standards and our goal is to have a casualty-free workplace.

Thus, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is our utmost priority. The Group has a specific Health, Safety and Environment department set up to oversee all matters concerning employees’ safety and health.

To safeguard the health, wellbeing and safety of our employees, the following precautions and measures were established:

Promotion Of A Safe Working Culture
Promotion of a safe working culture through the conduct of safety briefings and safety awareness campaigns for both employees and contractors
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Is Provided
PPE is provided for those working in environments exposed to hazards and risks. Full compliance with the use of PPE is mandatory and strictly monitored
Standardized Health & Safety Programs and Policies
Implementation of standardized health and safety program and policies across all the Group’s operations. These programs and policies are continuously reviewed, monitored and fully implemented
Foreign Workers Fully Protected
All of our foreign workers are registered and covered by SOCSO or SKKPHA
Regular Conduct of Safety Awareness Programmes
Regular safety education programs are conducted to enable employees to understand the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 1994 and to boost safety and health awareness
Free Clinics at All CPO Mills
All our CPO mills have clinics where workers can receive free healthcare
Regular Medical and Physical Checkups
Medical and physical checkups are regularly conducted for employees exposed to dangerous chemicals, pesticides and high noise levels
Regular Inspections of Staff Housing & Welfare Facilities
Regular inspections of the employees’ housing and welfare facilities are carried out to ensure that sanitation, health and drainage standards are maintained according to the Group’s policy.
Regular Conduct of Emergency Exercises
Emergency exercises including fire-fighting drills are regularly conducted.
Regular Conduct of Safety Checks
Trained and qualified safety officers are appointed to conduct frequent quality audits and safety checks at individual sites to ensure that all safety requirements and precautions are strictly observed.

COVID-19 Measures

During the reporting year, specific SOP and guidelines were implemented to reduce the risk of Covid-19 infection among staff and workers.

Some of the Covid-19 measures at our offices, estates, mills and warehouses

 Providing masks to all site staff;
• Ensuring compulsory daily temperature checks and recording in a logbook or via MySejahtera for all staff;
• Providing hand sanitisers at the entrances of offices;
• Requiring all staff and workers to undergo health screening, and in the event of quarantine, they are required to report and declare their status to the HR department;
• Developing detailed guidelines on handling staff and workers who are tested positive for Covid-19. The infected worker is required to undergo a quarantine period of 14 days;

• Training, creating Covid-19 awareness and inculcating hygiene practices, which includes frequent hand washing and sanitization
through the Group’s online portal;
• Conducting virtual meetings and webinars;
• Compulsory usage of face masks at all work offices and sites;
• Reducing working capacity to ensure strict social distancing in accordance to the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee restrictions; and
• Disinfecting/sanitizing workplaces twice daily.

Action on Accidents

The Group devotes continuous efforts in accident prevention by conducting “Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC)” on all our operations. With HIRARC, we are able to identify, assess/measure and minimize the hazards and risks of any workplace and its activities.

Every accident is formally investigated to determine the root cause and to prevent the recurrence of such incidents. The details and conclusion of the investigation are included in the Accident Investigation Report (AIR).

For the FY2021, there were no reported workplace fatalities within The Group.