Sustainability - Governance



Compliance with Legal and Other Requirements

At Jaya Tiasa, it is also our utmost priority that we practise and uphold high standards of corporate conduct. We strive to ensure that all business and operational affairs are carried out ethically, transparently, with integrity and accountability and in full compliance with the laws and regulations.

Ethical Business Conduct

The Code of Conduct and Ethics (”The Code”) provides guidance on the standards of behavior expected of all employees of the Group, whereas the supplementary Directors’ Fit and Proper Policy is formulated for newly appointed and existing directors. The Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy developed in accordance with Section 17A Corporate Liability provision of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009 further complements “The Code” and reinforces our zero-tolerance approach towards corruption in any form.

For the FY22, the Group was not subject to any of the following incidents:
• Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area;
• Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations; and
• Non-compliance with the financial standards and frameworks.

Free, Prior, Informed and Consent (FPIC)

Our business operations shall ensure our activities do not threaten or diminish the rights of others. Any conflict or land disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the FPIC process.

Grievance Procedures

At Jaya Tiasa, the established grievance mechanisms are the Whistle-Blowing Policy and Complaint and Grievance Procedures. To ensure their effectiveness, the mechanisms are transparent, impartial, confidential and accessible.

The Whistle-Blowing Policy was established in 2014 to enable any party to raise genuine concerns about improper conducts committed by an employee within the Group through formal procedures and confidential channels provided, without risk of reprisal.

The Complaint and Grievance Procedures was set up in 2017 and is made available to all business units. The mechanism allows anyone to lodge a complaint or grievance which will be escalated to the management level for intervention and timely resolution.

For FY22, the Group did not receive any whistle-blowing, complaint or grievance cases.

Sustainability Certification

i) Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO)

MSPO is a national sustainability scheme created by the Malaysian government and developed for oil palm plantations, smallholders and downstream facilities. The standards include: –
• the production of safe, high quality oil palm fruits;
• the protection of the environment;
• the safeguarding of social and economic conditions of owners;
• supporting the surrounding community;
• enforcing workplace health and safety excellence; and
• the implementation of best practices.

All of the Group’s plantations and mills have undergone the MSPO certification and are fully certified.

ii) MSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (MSPO SCCS)

MSPO SCCS is a related national sustainability scheme for the sustainable production of palm oil throughout its supply chain. MSPO SCCS covers management requirements and traceability of its products from raw materials to processing and manufacturing of palm oil and palm oil-based products and aims to deliver confidence and credibility that the palm oil raw material originates from sustainably-managed oil palm planted areas. The requirements include:-
• a Sustainability Policy;
• management representative;
• record-keeping;
• operating procedures;
• internal audits and management reviews;
• resource management;
• traceability; and
• claims, complaints and grievances. 

All of the Groups CPO mills have attained MSPO SCCS.

iii) Forest Management Certification

Forest Management Certification (FMC) by third party verification is an internationally recognized system to ensure responsible forest management. The Sarawak State Government has made it mandatory for all long-term forest timber licenses to obtain FMC by 2022. Pursuant to this policy, the Certification Department is established towards managing and obtaining the certification for all of our timber license areas. Two of our Forest Management Units (FMU) have undergone the Stage 2 audit in June 2022.

Responsible Sourcing and Traceability

To ensure we adhere to our sustainability commitments, sourcing from responsible and traceable third-party is a priority. It is vital to know where our FFB comes from and we need to ensure the sources are not linked to deforestation and labour exploitation. In other words, our supplier must also be committed to No Deforestation, No Peat, and No Exploitation (NDPE).

In FY22, we are able to achieve 100% Traceability to Plantation (TTP) and 98.98% of FFB came from sustainable sources.